Abstract: A growing number of ‘wicked problems’ faced by society including climate change and biodiversity loss need to be engaged with as sustainability challenges. Addressing such problems might appear to necessitate science educators and environmental educators working together. However, science education, which has tended to focus primarily on teaching knowledge and skills, and environmental education which is characterised by the incorporation of values and a focus on changing behaviours have, over the years, moved apart significantly. In order to address the wicked problems, a convergence of science and environmental education is now needed. One strategy might involve collaborative research among scientists, educators and the public which could link science and society with place and identity. The outcome of this convergence would be more effective processes of public engagement and learning that could result in meaningful socioecological outcomes. The data gathered and shared using information and communication technologies can provide useful input to scientists. At the same time, such projects can empower citizens to engage in debates about local and global environmental and sustainability issues. More importantly, perhaps, they can support the public in taking action to address the key issues and challenges faced by society.

Source: Dillon, J., 2018. On the Convergence Between Science and Environmental Education. In: Yeo J., Teo T., Tang KS. (eds) Science Education Research and Practice in Asia-Pacific and Beyond. Springer, Singapore. pp 87-94.