Citizen Science – taken very broadly, the involvement of non-professionals in the scientific process – is increasingly important to researchers in fields ranging from astrophysics to zoology. The widespread use of digital technology means that anyone can contribute to and access vast reservoirs of scientific data, and collaborations between networks of volunteers spring up daily. This expanding mode of collaboration has, in turn, attracted attention from researchers studying human computer interaction, from sociologists and economists, from internet gurus to museum staff as well as amongst scientists themselves. Keeping track of this multifarious literature is difficult, and this is where Citizen Science Today comes in.
CST is an experimental publication which highlights good writing and clear-sighted scholarship related to citizen science, wherever it may come from. Based on the model used by the wildly successful Digital Humanities Now, our team of editors-at-large select content to be broadcast to you, our audience. We try to keep an eye on where the broader conversation about citizen science is going, and are open to suggestion.
Submit your work
If you would like your blog or website – or something that you’ve read and found thought-provoking or useful – to be considered for inclusion in the Citizen Science Today, please read theĀ Submit Work page.
Contact us
Any comments or questions? Email us at — we’d love to hear from you!
Current EditorialĀ Team
Lucy Fortson, University of Minnesota
Managing Editor
Andrea Simenstad, University of Minnesota
Berris Charnley, Connecting Scientific Communities, University of Oxford
Caren Cooper, Biodiversity Research Lab, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University
Muki Haklay, University College London
Tom Hart, Penguin Watch, University of Oxford
Pietro Michelucci, Human Computation Institute
Thomas Nelson, University of Minnesota
Amy Robinson, EyeWire
Justin Schell, University of Michigan
Daniel Stowell, The Papers of Abraham Lincoln
Andrea Wiggins, University of Maryland